Early Preschool 2
Hello from EPS!
We are excited for the warmer weather that we are having since that means we can be outside and play in the water! We are making sure, though, that since the sunshine is brighter, we are putting on sunscreen and drinking plenty of cool water. With the recent weather changes that we have had, we are also paying very close attention to the weather, making sure everyone is safe at all times.
We have been going outside looking for rocks to build a house, finding different leaves from plants around us, and watching butterflies and moths that land on our bushes. All of the children love to find different rocks as well as pieces of wood. Then we look at the different shapes and textures within the rock or piece of wood. These are all activities that you can do at home as well.
Since I am the new teacher in this class, I am so enjoying getting to know each and every one of my new friends. We are learning daily more about each other and our feelings. We are learning how to identify what each feeling is and what makes us happy, sad, and mad. We are using resources such as books, puppets, and our feeling page. We talk about each of these different feelings, especially what makes us sad and mad, so that we will learn together how to deal with our feelings. I tell my friends that it is okay to be sad or mad but emphasize using their words and talking with their friend who have made them sad or mad. I really feel like we are making progress in this area in our classroom. This is also something that you can be working on at home with your family; we all get sad or mad with family members, and learning to talk it out is much healthier for us than holding it inside and not talking about it. If there are any resources that you need, please let me know, and I will try to help you in any way that I can.
I am so excited to continue getting to know each of your children and hope that you stop in to EPS 2 to say “hello” to us. We love having visitors in our class, and you are always welcome!
Ms Terri and EPS 2