Ms Nikki's Class - Early Preschool
Hello from EPS, As you know, it is getting warm outside, so that means it’s water-play time for our children! Please be sure to bring appropriate water apparel (bathing suits, water shoes/mud boots, and a towel that they can keep here at the center).
We will begin a new study in the next couple of weeks. We will be learning about the trees and how many different kinds there are. I think this will be fun and exciting for the children to learn about! We will be collecting things from the trees and making art with them. They will learn that not only can they give us shade and air, but also beautiful artwork, too.
I would Love for my kids to go on walks with their parents and talk about how the trees are different from one another, and how tall they think they are. We will use this opportunity to have group discussions in class the next day about what we all discovered. Thank you, Ms. Nikki