Ms Gabi & Ms Rebecca's Class - Infants 1
Yay, Fall is Near! That means “cooler” days, at least we hope! We will continue to do water play during our outside time to keep cool though.
In July, we looked at many different bugs and their environments. We explored bug sensory and went on adventures outside to see if we could find the bugs we studied in class.
August will be about self-care since a lot of siblings will be starting school and lots of changes will be happening in every classroom. We will be working on self-soothing and handling our emotions. What is self-soothing, you ask? It is the action of a young child ceasing to cry without being comforted by a parent or caregiver, in particular when left to fall asleep on their own.
We've been having so much fun in the infant class this summer and cannot wait for more friends to join us in the fall!
Ms. Gabi & Mrs. Rebecca