Ms KK's Class - Preschool
Happy November!
Thank you to all who have welcomed me to the classroom! I am thrilled to be here, and I am enjoying all the families and children in my care! We are getting to know each other, and things are going smoothly so far. It's still a transition, but I feel we are doing well.
For the month of October, we have enjoyed some nice warm weather, but we have noticed the changes in temperatures in the mornings. Please make sure you are aware of the clothing that is in your child's cubby so that we aren't caught off guard. After all, it's Oklahoma, and we all know how mother nature can play tricks on us! So, feel free to come in early and check out the wardrobe!
We worked hard on our class pumpkin, and the kids enjoyed putting it together as well as putting together class rules! What a neat way to show children a visual as well as use it as a teaching tool. Way to go preschool!
For the month of November, we will be learning about and discussing being thankful. We are excited to share stories and different traditions with each other, so stay tuned for more exciting news to follow!
If you ever need to speak with me, please feel free to do so. Thank you so much!
Ms. KK